Tag Archives: Robot

Fall 4

Another Fall painting, but this time Digital.  I’ve revisited this image a total of 4 times now, in oil, acrylic and pencil on toned paper.  It’s somewhat of a compulsion and I just can’t see myself stopping any time soon. It’s the first time a crow has appeared in one of these images and it’s just occurred to me that the crow might represent death. Or perhaps these paintings are merely about obsolescence?


A Quick(ish) Digital Painting.  I actually started this a year ago, laid it away, rediscovered it and yesterday decided to finish it.  It went through several iterations, but some of it felt self conscious and calculated, so I deleted a lot of it and went with pure compulsion instead.  I’ve been drawing a lot of octopuses lately.  And cyclops.  And those specific pointy shapes which form the knife, the tentacles, the eyepatch and the roots of the teeth.

Around The World

An experimental scribble effect to make it appear that each frame is hand-drawn in biro on note paper.  I've saved it as a composition, so I can use this effect on a more substantial project later.  The robot was animated using the great DuIK Tools for After Effects.

Just Human Enough

An attempt at writing a pop song structure with real instruments and an actual melodic hook in the chorus.  It’s about a future where children are unnecessary because they have been replaced with machines who are titularly ‘just human enough’.  Quite how that works out is anyone’s guess, but it all came in a dream and I have to go along with it.  The arrangement worked out nicely, but the drums still bother me.  The whole mix could definitely be a lot less ‘down the center’, but bad habits from making and mixing extremely ‘forward’ electronic dance music can make you a little more mono than you care to admit.

Just Human Enough